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Pavement Marking Services

Parking lot striping and on roadways provide the necessary directions for motorists. Without pavement markings, things can get a bit chaotic, as visitors will not know where to park or how traffic is supposed to flow. Proper parking lot striping at your Denver, CO business ensures your space is used efficiently, making the most of your valuable space. S & S Striping and Signage are here to restripe existing lots or reconfigure your current layout. We’ll ensure your parking lot looks as good as new and traffic flow safely as visitors enter and exit your property. Call us today to learn more about our striping services or to schedule service at your location.

Arrow signs on a big road

Striping Services for All Situations

At S & S Striping and Signage, we can handle any striping project, whether at a parking lot, garage, airport, heliport, warehouse or on the roadway. We offer all of the following striping services:

Playground Games

Our team can create patterns for classic games like four-square, basketball, and hopscotch. However, we can also create more advanced playground pieces like number grids, a U.S. map, the solar system, dragonfly hopscotch, or sandblasted patterns.

  • Temporary Striping: Construction projects often call for altered roadways as traffic flow is changed to accommodate the building process. We can install temporary striping to ensure motorists can easily and safely navigate the road until new permanent lines can be completed.
  • Preformed Thermoplastic Pavement Marking: This type of marking can be heat-applied to both asphalt and concrete surfaces. The advanced method of installation ensures a strong bond which can withstand high heat, freezing temperatures, and daily use from motorists. Thermoplastic is very versatile in the type of linage projects you can complete, as it comes in rolls ranging from 3 inches to 24 inches. Glass beads embedded in the material also provides high visibility both at night and during the day.
  • Epoxy Pavement Marking: This type of marking is typically used in long-line roadway striping because epoxy cures quickly, is durable, and easily adheres to both asphalt and concrete. S&S has the capability to complete this method of striping on your parking lots using or unique and innovative equipment configuration.
  • Custom Preformed Thermoplastic Marking: Preformed thermoplastic comes in many forms, allowing us to create customized pavement markings. You’re able to do more than just lineage. We can also custom order special legends, characters, and symbols to meet your needs.
  • 3M Inlaid Preformed Plastic Marking: Similar to preformed thermoplastic the 3M inlaid plastic markings come ready to install on a roll. However, they are installed differently. These markings can either be rolled into new asphalt while it is still soft or can be placed and glued into a channel created in existing asphalt or concrete. Because this option is flush with the surface, it is protected from wear as well as snow removal equipment, giving it increased longevity.
Parking Lots
  • Reconfiguration: Business needs change over time. If your business has grown or has undergone a change requiring a reconfiguration of your parking lot, our team can help. We’ll ensure the new layout is the best choice for your business and it is ADA-compliant.
  • Stencils: Relay information without signage by using out stenciling service to create customized messages on pavement. Using letters and numbers ranging in size from 3 inches to 8 feet, we can stencil messages to give visitors info about parking as well a custom logos.
  • New Layout: Starting with a totally blank canvas, we’ll layout and stripe new pavement markings according to planned drawings or match a previous design.
  • Restripe: Daily traffic and harsh weather can fade the markings on your paved lot. We’re able to restripe existing lines to make your lot look like new again and to improve safety and traffic flow on your property.

Contact Us Today

If your parking lot lines are fading or you need to reconfigure your space, S & S Striping and Signage is the team you want on the job. We’ll ensure your lot looks great and functions well for motorists. Contact our team today to learn more about this service today!

Covering Colorado One Stripe At A Time